
Andelie Map
Andelie Map

A quaint saltwater fishing village nestled along the southern coast of the continent of Atlin. This picturesque settlement, home to 200 hardworking souls, thrives on the bounty of the sea, with its lifeblood flowing through the wooden docks that embrace the natural bay. The village comprises a few dozen modest buildings, each with its own unique charm. The proximity to the bay means that the air carries the scent of saltwater, and the distant sound of crashing waves is a constant companion to the villagers. The coastal charm is enhanced by the view of the sea stretching endlessly toward the horizon. There is a commercial pearl diving operation in town, run by the Pearl Diving Guild.

Floyd and Luke were sent there by Mother Belda, of The Twins, to investigate some goings on. Oswald runs the local Church of Helga in Andelie.

Edmund, Abby, Jon, Amy, and Rouse found themselves there temporarily while teleporting to Quashie.

Notable Landmarks